A History of Diabetes: From Ancient Times to the Twenty-first Century xi --
Appendix I Important Organizations 291 --
Appendix II Diabetes Periodicals 296 --
Appendix III Diabetes Research and Training Centers (DRTCs) 297 --
Appendix IV Diabetes Endocrinology Research Centers (DERCs) 298 --
Appendix V Diabetes Control Programs in U.S. States and Territories 299 --
Appendix VI World Health Organization Collaborating Centers Worldwide 304 --
Appendix VII Web Sites That Include Diabetes Information 307 --
Appendix VIII Important but Often Overlooked Key Issues in Diabetes 308 --
Appendix IX Medications Used to Treat Type 2 Diabetes 309 --
Appendix X Body Mass Index Charts and Curves for Children and Young Adults Under Age 20 311 --
Appendix XI Affiliates to Joslin Diabetes Center 330.