How Candide was brought up in a beautiful country house, and how he was driven away
What happened to Candide amongst the Bulgars
How Candide escaped from the Bulgars, and what happened to him afterwards
How Candide met his old tutor, Dr. Pangloss, and what came of it
Describing tempest, shipwreck, and earthquake, and what happened to Dr. Pangloss, Candide, and James, the Anabaptist
How a magnificent auto-da-fe was staged to prevent further earthquakes, and how Candide was flogged
How an old woman took care of Candide, and how he found the lady he loved
Relating further adventures of Cunegonde, Candide, the Grand Inquisitor, and the Jew
Describing the distressing circumstances in which Candide, Cunegonde, and the old woman reached Cadiz, and how they set sail for the new world
Old woman's misfortunes continued
How Candide was forced to leave the lovely Cunegonde and the old woman
Reception Candide and Cacambo met with from the Jesuits of Paraguay
How Candide killed the brother of his beloved Cunegonde
Adventures of our two travellers with two girls and two monkeys, and what happened to them amongst the savage Oreillons
How Candide and his servant reached the country of Eldorado and what they saw there
What they saw in the country of Eldorado
What happened to them at Surinam, and how Candide made the acquaintance of Martin
What happened to Candide and Martin at sea
What Candide and Martin discussed as they approached the coast of France
What happened to Candide and Martin in France
Candide and Martin reach the coast of England, and what they see there
About Pacquette and Brother Giroflee
Visit to Count Pococurante, a noble Venetian
How Candide and Martin supped with six strangers, and who they were
Candide's journey to Constantinople
What happened to Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, Martin, and the rest
How Candide found Cunegonde and the old woman once more